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Ford Focus Interactive Advergame

A real example of Advergame: Marketing people should like it.

"Advergames are video games which contain an advertisement for a product, service, or company. Some advergames are created by a company with the sole purpose of promoting the company itself or one of its products, and the game may be distributed freely as a marketing tool. Other times, an advergame can be a regular popular video game, which may be sponsored by a company, and include advertisements within the game for the sponsoring company." (Source:

The project for Ford was a great challenge. Our task was to build an interactive website where the users could make music by using several parts of a ford focus as an instrument. I created four different songs in four different genres which consisted of six playable loops of each instrument section for the end user to be able to mix and match, hence creating their own unique arrangements of the songs. The users then were able to save their arrangements and share them with their friends and there was a scoreboard where the song creators were ranked based on shares/likes.

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