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How gamification saved the people of Lydia

The Greek historian Herodotus describes how the people of Lydia survived famine about 600 BC in this way:

"For many years, there was not enough to eat in Lydia (in modern Turkey), because of bad weather and not enough rain.

As the Lydians liked gambling a lot, they decided to save their food: they would only eat on even days. On odd days, to take their mind off how hungry they were, they would play dice all day, and place bets." Herodotus said that "the Lydians lived this way for several years" This story is probably belonging to Myths and Legends (Herodotus was writing in the 400s BC) but the lesson to learn from this story is that gaming is powerful to engage people. By the way, this space-time, when you are absorbed, is called the "Flow". The "Flow" is the Training & Learning Holy Grail: master the "Flow" and employees will forget that they are involved in a training programme.

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