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You want to learn when you are engaged…

In January 2014, the Gallup's report (State of the Global Workplace), revealed that only 13% of employees worldwide were engaged at work… Can you imagine what would be the cost for our Company if 87% of us were “not engaged” ..let’s just imagine … 1h per day, 220 days a year… it would mean billions…

You want to learn when you are engaged…and yes Gamification and Game-Based Learning can contribute to increase the motivation to learn. …. But you need to follow few golden rules: 1. Keep the Learning Objectives clear 2. Propose One Quest linked to learners expectations (“I want to increase my expertise”, “I want to perform my objectives”, “I want to develop my career”…) 3. Make the Rules simple 4. Find the right duration and the right format (a factory worker, a sales rep or an HQ HR Manager don’t learn the same way) 5. Adapt the Gameplay (which is game elements + game mechanics) to the learner 6. Add Progression (but make it challenging) 7. Introduce Interactivity (and make it social) 8. Add Reward (and link it to people training & development) And last but not least 9. Dare to be Fun but make it balanced Following those rules you should be able to both motivate and engage your e-learners…”

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